About Me

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Woodbridge, VA, United States
Politically Opinionated, Christian, Writer, Mom of 2 adult children, 3 dogs and a cat who sometimes thinks she's one of the dogs.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Writing Pet Peeves: " To Wreck Havoc"

I get frosted when I see people use the wrong word or words to convey their message. This morning, in my reading, I came across one that has become common, and it drives me nuts:
"To wreck havoc." I wanted to reach through my computer to give the latest offender a good smack across the writing hand just to get her attention.

Now that I have your attention, dear reader, (all two of you), lest you make the same mistake, the correct term is "to wreak havoc".

To wreck: destroy, disrupt or ruin

To wreak: to inflict, visit upon

I suppose it is understandable since the word "havoc" means general destruction and devastation to want to use the word "wreck" as the active verb. But then that makes the sentence redundant: "to destroy general destruction", and is akin to a double negative.

The correct usage, "to wreak havoc" : to visit general destruction upon, is what people who wreck havoc really mean.

I hope I don't catch anyone I know wrecking havoc or I'll have to wreak some well intact havoc upon them! ;-)


  1. I am proud to say that that is ONE mistake I don't think I've ever made. You know very well I've made every other one. :0)

  2. After this "lecture", I'm sure I'll never make that mistake! LOL!

    But I'll apologize now, for any grammatical/spelling errors I make in the future. Can I hire you as a proofreader?

    By the way, you have two more "readers" than I do!

  3. Donna - LOL! Check your followers. You at least have me. And you're on my blogroll too.

  4. Karen - I saw you as a follower just after I posted the last comment. I'll have to check my blog more often! Thanks for being my first (and only - at the moment!) follower!
