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Woodbridge, VA, United States
Politically Opinionated, Christian, Writer, Mom of 2 adult children, 3 dogs and a cat who sometimes thinks she's one of the dogs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Correct Grammar is Not Politically Correct

This is another pet peeve of mine.  Grammar and gender.  English is already one of the most gender neutral languages, and yet the PC police continually endeavor to gender neutralize it even more.  I chalk this up to a poor education in the area of language arts.  Many high school graduates cannot pass a grammar test these days; a deplorable state of affairs, if you ask me.  But then most people who use poor grammar do not speak a foreign language. 

What do grammar skills have to do with speaking a foreign language?  I'm so glad you asked.

As a student of several foreign languages, I was surprised to discover that the best grammar class I ever took was my French class in high school, and then my German and Spanish classes.  Surpassing all of them was the Russian course I took at the Defense Language Institute.  In matters of grammar, foreign languages assign gender to every single noun, animate or inanimate. 

English only assigns gender to animate objects based on actual gender.  Rarely is the gender neutral  "one" used , usually to make generic statements: "One should never make assumptions."  French also uses the generic "one".  In most other instances, a noun is either male or female.  Groups of people are masculine if only one member of the group is male.  The pleural masculine pronoun is used.  If all members are female, then the group is feminine and uses the pleural femine pronoun.  Never once have I heard of any French speaking feminists getting all hot and bothered about sexist grammar usage, but I have heard many American English speaking feminists decry sexist language. 

Correct grammar is sexist and not politically correct.  In my opinion, trying to force grammar into today's politically correct social mores shows a lack of proper education in the English language.  But it surely makes one more acceptable with the "in"crowd of educrats, politicos and glitteratti who are currently running our country into the ground.

Russian and German both have a neuter gender to keep track of.  But the grammar rules regarding the masculine and feminine genders of both languages are the same as those in French.  Speakers of these languages have no problems with their politically incorrect and sexist grammar rules.  Once again, it is only American English apeakers who get into grammatical gender bending to satisfy some political or social agenda.  If they only knew how ridiculous they sound, they might be motivated to learn English and quit mistaking their supposed enlightenment for a decent education.

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